I work closely with a team at Google called Unskippable Labs to study what people watch on the web. We've done experiments repurposing footage from existing commercials as well as creating commercials for fake brands and testing how viewers respond.

Unskippable anthem

This is an anthem film used to help explain the mission statement for Unskippable Labs.



Mobile Recut Experiment

Working with BBDO and Mountain Dew, we re-cut commercials to test what people would watch on Mobile versus traditional media outlets.

Google x Westworld

WestWorld wanted to expand upon the audience from season 1.



“Emotional is the new Millennial”
Ads are frequently targeted based on the year you were born; are you Millennial? Gen X? Boomer?… But maybe there is something that knits audiences together more than the year they were born.

Version 1 - “Don’t”

Version 3 - “The Hunter”

Video Block
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Video Block
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Version 2 - “The Bottom Line”